Garden envy could be a sub-category to one of the deadly sins, and we all get it at one time or another.We see a picture in a magazine or a plant on a garden show, or admire a yard as we drive down the road. So we run out, buy a bunch of plants, return home with our treasures then wonder what to do with them.I love spontaneous customers. But, as much as I love to sell plants, I would rather sell the right plant. First, know your yard.Is it full-sun, part-sun, part-shade or shade?Typically, full-sun is at least 6 hours of direct sun; part-sun and part-shade need 3-6 hours of sun (part-shade needing some relief from the hot afternoon sun); full-shade needs 3 hours or less of direct sun.Next, what is your style?Do you prefer everything to stay green all year or can you deal with bare areas in winter anticipating the plants that will fill in over summer?Do you want your garden to be symmetrical or eclectic?Manicured or a cottage garden?Once you determine your style, visit some public gardens or go on a local garden tour, they are excellent places to pick up some ideas.It also allows you to see a mature plant rather than trying to envision what a small container plant will look like in your yard in a few years. .Remember, there is nothing wrong with garden plagiarism.Some of the best gardeners are some of the best plagiarists; they see an idea and adapt it to their own garden, making it their own, the trick is, making it your own.When you go to your local nursery or garden center, read the plant tag.It is a wealth of information from sun tolerance to height and spread.Also, don’t be afraid to ask a question, as a matter of fact, ask lots of questions.That is what we are here for.
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